
William Scott CBE RA (1913-1989) was one of the leading British artists of his generation. During his lifetime, his work was exhibited widely, both at home and abroad, and continues to be to this day. His paintings can be found in public collections around the world, including the Tate, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, and the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.


About the Foundation

The William Scott Foundation was established by William’s two sons James and Robert Scott in 2007. Its office is based very close to the former Chelsea house and studio of the prolific painter, in south west London. Continue reading “About the Foundation”


St Ives and Elsewhere

5 March – 6 June 2025 Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Sasza Blonder, Sandra Blow, Terry Frost, Doreen Heaton-Potworowska, Barbara Hepworth, Patrick Heron, Roger Hilton, Ivon Hitchens, Katarzyna Kobro, Peter Lanyon, Bob Law, Leopold Lewicki, Adam Marczyński, Margaret Mellis, Ben Nicholson, Victor Pasmore, Piotr Potworowski, William Scott, Władysław Strzemiński, Alfred Wallis, John Wells, Bryan Wynter, Keith Vaughan The …

Spotlight On 4: Modern and Contemporary Art from the Collection of Chippenham Museum

2 November 2024 – 8 March 2025 This exhibition is the fourth in Chippenham Museum’s Spotlight series dedicated to its growing Modern and Contemporary Art Collection. The project began in 2019 with the desire to celebrate the rich artistic history of this part of North Wiltshire. As a permanent collection, it acts as a source …

Fermanagh artist honoured at Enniskillen Castle

By Mark McGoldrick Fermanagh Herald Fermanagh art enthusiasts are feeling “truly privileged” after a special exhibition has been set up at Enniskillen Castle which is aiming to celebrate the life and achievements of a local artist. Well-known artist William Scott spent his early life in Enniskillen where he formed a close relationship with respected art teacher …

Altnagelvin Mural, 1959-61

The Altnagelvin mural was a commission that occupied Scott between September 1958 and September 1961. Murals were the one subject that Scott and Rothko are known to have discussed during the short time they spent together in August 1959. Continue reading “Altnagelvin Mural, 1959-61”

Mary Scott

Artist, sculptor, muse, mother, wife. Although she worked in other media, Mary Scott (neé Lucas) is best known for her sculptures, executed in a variety of materials – wax, clay, plaster, wood and stone. She trained at the Slade School of Fine Art and the Royal Academy Schools, where she met her future husband William Scott.

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