5 March – 6 June 2025

Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Sasza Blonder, Sandra Blow, Terry Frost, Doreen Heaton-Potworowska, Barbara Hepworth, Patrick Heron, Roger Hilton, Ivon Hitchens, Katarzyna Kobro, Peter Lanyon, Bob Law, Leopold Lewicki, Adam Marczyński, Margaret Mellis, Ben Nicholson, Victor Pasmore, Piotr Potworowski, William Scott, Władysław Strzemiński, Alfred Wallis, John Wells, Bryan Wynter, Keith Vaughan
The exhibition presents works by British artists associated with the milieu of St Ives, a small port town located in the westernmost part of the Cornish Peninsula in Great Britain. This milieu, bringing together artists such as Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Sandra Blow, Terry Frost, Patrick Heron, Roger Hilton, Peter Lanyon, Margaret Mellis, William Scott, and Bryan Wynter, did not constitute a formal group whose activity would be defined by a uniform programme. It was here that a specific painting and sculpture idiom was developed, derived from the abstract structures of Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson’s works, an idiom in which the choice of formal solutions is more or less closely correlated with the saturation and course of the experience of the landscape.
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